# Direction display revised

For Android, the direction display of the current selection has been there for some time now, if the project has been continued in PixelGrid or pressing the Info button.

Also with iOS there should now be the direction display. Since there's indeed the C2C mode since the latest update, I had to rework the direction indicator again. Finally, there are now also selections that run diagonally across the screen.

# Dither tolerance

In the iOS version, the dither tolerance has been completely missing. Unfortunately, this absence has led to some displeasure among a few users. But since I want to continue to keep my promise, this feature is now also in the upcoming update 😉 For this purpose, there will be another page in the Pixelator at the bottom of the screen, where you can set the dither tolerance with a value of 0 - 10. So you finally have the possibility to get the background more pixel free than is currently the case.

# Bug fixes

Since the latest update a few small bugs have crept in again. Because in the last update the Pixelgrid was reworked a lot, there were some small new bugs which I will fix now for the next update.

Last updated: 8/24/2019, 12:22:50 PM