# iOS version 1.11.0
# Pixel slider in the Pixelator
Finally, as with the Android version, there is a pixel slider that allows you to dynamically adjust the format.

Here are two sample pictures:

Info: It is important to note that with a larger format more details can be seen, but the conversion can take much longer 😉
# Beta testers: We have to apologize
To all beta testers who should have actually been given the app for free from us: First an apology on our part. At the end of the first beta, we sent some of you an activation code for the app.
What we didn't know: One would have had to uninstall the app in order to activate the app with these codes. That's why for almost 100% of the people the code didn't work as we thought. We apologize for this many times.

Julia and I have now considered the following: We want to give every beta tester who helped a few months ago and partially still helps, an activation code, either to redeem it yourself (unfortunately the Testflight app needs to be uninstalled for this and unfortunately we still cannot guarantee that the projects will be maintained) or to give a little pleasure to one of your loved ones who also likes to handicraft (and wants the app)!
Therefore the beta testers will receive an e-mail in the next few days to the address you used for Testflight with the code to redeem in the iTunes App Store 😃
# iTunes Store
If you like the app better with the latest update, we would absolutely appreciate new reviews in the iTunes App Store!
# Renewed call for languages
We remind you once again that we are happy to accept help from you when it comes to improving the translations in the app. If someone of you knows one or more of the following languages and also knows handicraft terms in these languages:
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- Italian
- Russian
- Spanish
then we are very happy about a contact 😃
We hope you enjoy the iOS 1.11.0 update!
Christian, Julia and Fabian